Buggin' Out #7: Custom Sort Lists Issue in Excel 2016
13 August 2016
Microsoft updates means new and improved features, but it also means the odd bug slipping through. In this incidental series we cover some of the recent known issues that have cropped up and how to fix and / or circumvent them.
Custom Sort Lists Issue in Excel 2016
The Custom Lists dialog box (File -> Options -> Advanced -> Edit Custom Lists) allows you to add filter lists, with multiple items entered using the ENTER key between items. Recently, it has been reported that the ENTER key stopped registering properly and does not function as expected.
Microsoft claims that they will be issuing a fix for this problem shortly. In the meantime, the Comma key will work as an alternate delimiter - just use the comma when you would normally hit ENTER (as in “,,,,, Chameleon, You Come and Go, You Come and Go…”. It’s official. The jokes have bottomed out.
We will report on other bug fixes and workarounds as and when necessary. Hopefully, this will not be too regular a feature!! In the meantime, if you experience any Excel issues and require help, do feel free to drop us a line at contact@sumproduct.com - we can't promise to answer every question, but we'll try our best.