Final Friday Fix – March 2017
31 March 2017
In celebration of having published three full months of Power Query blog articles, we’re dedicating the March Final Friday Fix to a Power Query problem! This challenge comes from an actual question that one of our clients brought to us. Unfortunately, as a result, we can’t provide a workbook file, but we’ll try to give you as much to work with as we can.
In this example, we have a calculation that is summing up the total bottles of wine that have been received in the last month, based on a number of shipments for several different vintages.

You can see that the SumTotal column is correctly adding up the running total of the number received, even considering that the rows are not ordered.
The next step involves expanding out the Table column on the right hand side. When this is done, look what happens to the running total:

This month’s challenge: why would this occur, and what can we do to stop it from happening? Answer will be out on Monday!