Power Query: Power Query Online – Part 1
9 August 2023
Welcome to our Power Query blog. Today, I look at the functionality available in Power Query Online, available during dataflow creation in Power Apps.
Last week, I looked at using Power Query templates to create a dataflow in Power Apps. Since that feature was only available to ‘Office Insider’ users, this time I will look at how to access Power Query Online whilst creating a dataflow.
I start by logging onto Power Apps and pinning Dataflows from ‘… More ‘ as I did last week:

This time, I want to create a dataflow using ‘Start from blank’:

Choosing this option prompts me with the following dialog:

Note that I am not going to use Options, as this pertains to data lakes and AI:

I call my dataflow Population Data, and click Create:

This screen is the equivalent of ‘Get Data’ in desktop Power Query. The data needs to be available online, and it should be noted that the option to ‘Upload file’ will allow me to make a file on my computer accessible in OneDrive online.
I am going to choose the ‘Excel workbook’ option:

I can either ‘Link to file’ or ‘Upload file’. ‘Upload file’ allows me to upload the file to my OneDrive for Business account.

The file I am using is already there, so I choose to ‘Link to file’, and then I ‘Browse OneDrive’.

I pick the file I want, and choose to Select:

Since there are no ‘Connection credentials’ required for this file, I choose ‘Next’:

This shows me the sheets, tables, and defined names in a similar way to the desktop version, but in a different format. I choose the Population Data and Region Data sheets:

I choose to ‘Transform Data’:

This screen resembles the desktop Power Query editor, and next time, I will look at what is available...
Come back next time for more ways to use Power Query!