Power Query: Power Query Online – Part 3
23 August 2023
Welcome to our Power Query blog. Today, I continue to look at settings in Power Query Online.
In the current series, I am looking at Power Query Online, which I have accessed from Power Apps:

Last week, I was looking at the views I could choose, and I accessed the ‘Diagram view’:

Starting with the symbols in the bottom right of this pane, I can control how I view the pane:

Taking the symbols from left to right I can:
- reset the pane to the default settings
- fit to view
- show on full screen
- show the mini-map (this allows me to move more easily round the screen)

- zoom out or in
- collapse all queries
- expand all queries.
Moving on to the queries themselves, if I use Population Data as an example, I have more options:

I can see there are four [4] steps, and the icons beginning at the bottom-left represent each step. If I hover over a step icon, I can see more information about that step:

If I click on the gear icon, I can edit the step:

The dialog that appears depends on the type of step selected, this is the Source step:

The ‘Use first row as headers’ looks different. Note also, that choosing the step (and the query), changes what is shown in the bottom half of the screen too, in the same way that choosing a step in the ’Applied steps’ section in ‘Query settings’ does:

If I click on the three [3] vertical dots at the top-right of the query pane, I have more options:

This combines query options I might expect to find in different locations in desktop Power Query, allowing me to perform much of the functionality from one place. Note that they are not in alphabetical order, they are arranged in groups of similar functions, with the most commonly used at the top.
Expanding the query using the expand icon, or by double-clicking, shows me the steps in a different format:

The plus (+) icon here allows me to add a step after the currently selected step (in this case, insert a step), and also provides me with a searchable menu, which allows me to choose any functionality:

Choosing to insert a step triggers warning familair to desktop Power Query users:

I can also select both queries and right-click, which gives me options that would apply to both queries:

Next time, I’ll look at more functionality available in Power Query Online.
Come back next time for more ways to use Power Query!