Season's Greetings and Happy New Year
25 December 2018
It’s been a big year at SumProduct HQ in 2018. Lots of exciting things, in no particular order:
- We launched our Online Training Courses on our website – from Excel Tips and Tricks to Financial Modelling and Power BI
- Liam published his book, Introduction to Financial Modelling
- He was also renewed as an Excel MVP for the 8th year in a row
- We moved into our new Sydney offices, with purpose-built training facilities
- We presented at the World Congress of Accountants in Sydney in October
- No less than 270 blogs on our website and countless updates through our monthly newsletter and News articles!
And things to look forward to in the year to come:
- Three new books on the way (all titles under review): Intermediate Financial Modelling, Introduction to Power Query and Excel 2019
- More online and face-to-face training: a revamped Power BI course and a brand new Charts and Dashboards course
- Presenting at Microsoft Ignite: The Tour in Singapore in January 2019
- Hiring in Sydney to fill our new office space and grow our team!
It’s going to be a busy 2019. Thank you for your support and patronage throughout the last year, and we look forward to continuing to deliver what you’re looking for in the coming 12 months.