VBA Blogs: For Loops
14 April 2017
Last week, we showed you how to declare variables. This week, we’re going to use a variable to create a loop. Let’s introduce the For loop.
The basics of the For loop involve taking a variable, incrementing it until it gets to a certain target number, and performing a bit of code for each incremental step. It looks a bit like this:
For X = 1 to 10
<Do this code for each of the 10 times>
Next X
We can use this to put together a simple example that counts the number of coin flips land Heads when we flip them 10 times. Let’s combine a few of the things that we’ve learned. If you like, you can copy the text below into VBA, or type it out yourself.
Sub FlipCoins()
Dim X as Integer
‘Declare an integer that will be incremented
Dim Heads as Integer
‘Declare a variable that will store the number of times a coin lands as Heads
Heads = 0
‘Set the initial value for the counter to be zero
For X = 1 to 10
If Rnd() >= 0.5 Then Heads = Heads + 1
‘Take a random number between 0 and 1. If the value is greater than or equal to 0.5, then add one to the Heads counter.
Next X
MsgBox “You flipped” & Heads & “Heads over 10 coin flips. Well done!”
End Sub
Have fun flipping coins!