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Power Pivot Principles

Power Pivot Principles

Power Pivot Principles: Power Pivot Principles : Introducing the HASONEVALUE Function

15 October 2019

Welcome back to the Power Pivot Principles blog. This week, we are going to learn a new function, HASONEVALUE.

Power Pivot Principles: Properly Calculating Weighted Totals with the ISFILTERED Function

8 October 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at the ISFILTERED function.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the SUBSTITUTE Function

1 October 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at the SUBSTITUTE function.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the REPLACE Function

24 September 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at the REPLACE function.

Power Pivot Principles: Calculating Cumulative Totals with Variables

17 September 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at an alternative method of calculating cumulative sums without using the EARLIER function.

Power Pivot Principles: Cumulative Totals with the EARLIER Function

10 September 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at another application of the EARLIER function.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the EARLIER Function

3 September 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at the EARLIER function.

Power Pivot Principles: Highlighting Absent Students

27 August 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we look at how to create a PivotChart that highlights the number of absent students in university classes.

Power Pivot Principles: Dynamic Ranges and Periods for Rolling Averages

20 August 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we expand on the rolling average concept, first introduced in a previous blog, and show you how to include a dynamic period selection range in a rolling average measure.

Power Pivot Principles: Dynamic Ranges for Rolling Averages

13 August 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we expand on the rolling average concept first introduced in a previous blog and show you how to include a dynamic selection range to a rolling average measure.
