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Power Pivot Principles

Power Pivot Principles

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the LASTDATE Function

6 August 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we show you how the LASTDATE function work.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the DATESINPERIOD Function

30 July 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we show you how the DATESINPERIOD function works.

Power Pivot Principles: Dynamic Ranking based on Selection Filters

23 July 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we show you how to create a dynamic ranking measure that changes based on selection filters.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the RANKX Function

16 July 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we show you how use set up slicers to dynamically segregate text data based on text inputs.

Power Pivot Principles: Grouping Text Columns with New Categories Dynamically using an Input Table – Part 2

9 July 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we show you how use set up slicers to dynamically segregate text data based on text inputs.

Power Pivot Principles: Grouping Text Columns with New Categories Dynamically using an Input Table

2 July 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we discuss how to use an input Table to group text columns into new categories

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the LASTNONBLANK Function

25 June 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we will go over how to use the LASTNONBLANK function.

Power Pivot Principles: Grouping Text Columns with New Categories

18 June 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we will use the SEARCH and SWITCH functions to create custom columns that group text columns into new categories.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the SEARCH Function

11 June 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we introduce the SEARCH function.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the CONCATENATE Function

4 June 2019

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we introduce the CONCATENATE function.
