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Power Query Blogs

Power Query Blogs

Power Query: A List of Distinct Possibilities

30 June 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at List.Distinct().

Power Query: Evaluate the Environment

23 June 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week I look at the importance of environment to Expression.Evaluate().

Power Query: Fixed Expression

16 June 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at the M function Expression.Constant().

Power Query: Three Sheets to the Table

9 June 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at combining sheets where the columns do not match.

Power Query: Evasive Errors

2 June 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at a problem I came across when uploading a large dataset from Excel.

Power Query: Intelligent Folding

26 May 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at how Power BI Desktop uses query folding in the Power Query engine.

Power Query: Folding Table

19 May 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at Query Folding.

Power Query: Find a Table

12 May 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at what to do when the location of a table is changed.

Power Query: Group Text

5 May 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at how to modify a grouping statement to accommodate text fields.

Power Query: Arranging a List

28 April 2021

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at how to translate a range of data contained in one cell to a list of cells.
