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Power Query Blogs

Power Query Blogs

Power Query: Seeded Accommodating Accumulating

28 March 2018

This week, I look at the M function List.Accumulate and its uses where the seed is not zero.

Power Query: Seedless Accommodating Accumulating

21 March 2018

This week, I look at simple examples of how to use the M function List.Accumulate...

Power Query: Moving Date

14 March 2018

This week, I look at how to transform extracted data into a useful table.

Power Query: Sorry, Not on the List

7 March 2018

This week, I take a look at how extracting data from multiple lists can be confusing when nulls are involved.

Power Query: Passing (Reference to) Excel Parameters

28 February 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I take a look at how to pass Excel data as a parameter in Power Query.

Power Query: Returning to Referencing Ranges

21 February 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I take another look at what I can do with Excel.CurrentWorkbook.

Power Query: Setting a Better Example

14 February 2018

This week, I take a look at the latest improvements to the ‘Add Column from Examples’ functionality...

Power Query: Cell Referencing

7 February 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I take a look at how to reference a cell in an Excel workbook from Power Query.

Power Query: Evaluating Stored Queries

31 January 2018

Previously I looked at a few ways to share queries between workbooks. This week, I take a look at a slightly different approach...

Power Query: Abridged Appending

24 January 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I take a look at a way to create and append new queries by starting with the Query Editor.
