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Power Query Blogs

Power Query Blogs

Power Query: Cleanse, Tone and Upload

13 December 2017

This week I look at combining several Power Query functions in order to standardise some incoming data...

Power Query: Pivot the Blanks

6 December 2017

The scenario is familiar, a huge Excel table comes in with lots of columns and rows, but in some cases a column or row is empty and it needs to be condensed...

Power Query: Blanking the Blanks

29 November 2017

A huge Excel table comes in with lots of columns and rows, but in some cases a column or row is completely empty, and the table needs to be condensed...

Power Query: Powering Through Issues

22 November 2017

Sometimes, I am happily working away in Power Query when I hit a problem. Features are not there when I need them, something I’m sure should have worked doesn’t...

Power Query: Birthday Lists

15 November 2017

Since I have reached the milestone of my 50th issue, I have covered a whole list of Power Query features. Talking of lists… (it’s an ellipsis, get it?)

Power Query: Expanding on Aggregating

8 November 2017

This week I look at bringing in two tables of data and summarising some of that data. At the same time..

Power Query: Get 2016 and Transform

1 November 2017

It’s time to move on...

Power Query: Managing Many Queries

25 October 2017

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week I look at the options available to organise queries within a workbook.

Power Query: Initial Problems

18 October 2017

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week let's look at how to convert names into an alternative format.

Power Query: If You Can’t Tell Them Apart, Join Them

11 October 2017

Sometimes, the tasks I have to do are less than thrilling...
