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Power Query Blogs

Power Query Blogs

Power Query: (Data) Model Building

1 February 2017

Welcome to our new Power Query blog. Today I extract a table from an Access Database and load it into the Excel data model ready for use by Power Pivot.

Power Query: Relationship Goals

25 January 2017

Welcome to our new Power Query blog. Today I look at the relationship between Power Query and Power Pivot.

Power Query: What's in a Name?

18 January 2017

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today I extract information from a file name.

Power Query: Painless Unpivoting

11 January 2017

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we unpivot data ready to append it to a query...

Power Query: One Folder, One Query

4 January 2017

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we extract multiple files from a folder...

Power Query: Appending Files

28 December 2016

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we append to an existing query...

Power Query: Getting Started

21 December 2016

Our new Power Query blog continues. Today we look at manipulating a simple CSV file...

Power Query: Installing and Updating

14 December 2016

Continuing our Power Query blog. Today installing and updating Power Query...

Power Query: A Refreshing Approach to ETL (get it?)

7 December 2016

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we introduce Power Query...
