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Power Query: Sub Texting

20 June 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. Following on from last week’s blog, this week I look at some useful extraction Text() functions in M.

Power Pivot Principles: ALLEXCEPT

19 June 2018

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today we discuss how to use the ALLEXCEPT function in DAX.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The DEC2HEX Function

18 June 2018

This function converts a decimal number (base 10) to hexadecimal (base 16).

VBA Blogs: Find The Right Format

15 June 2018

It’s easy enough to get on a cell’s case as we explored last week, but what if we wanted to find a cell that is formatted in a particular way?

Power BI Blog: Just Speculate Over Numbers - Part 7

14 June 2018

Using the Power Query editor to determine unique combinations from the NY Powerball data.

Power Query: Tidy Texting

13 June 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. Following on from last week’s blog, this time I look at some useful transforming Text() functions in M.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing ALL

12 June 2018

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today we discuss how to use the ALL function in DAX.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The DEC2BIN Function

11 June 2018

This function converts a decimal number (base 10) to binary (base two).

VBA Blogs: Matching the Case

8 June 2018

Last week we used the LookAt parameter with the Find method to match the complete word. This week we look at case.

Power BI Blog: Just Speculate Over Numbers – Part 6

7 June 2018

Welcome back to Power BI Tips! This week, we begin Just Speculating Over the NY Powerball numbers.
