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A to Z of Excel Functions: The COSH Function

13 November 2017

You probably think we talk a load of hyperbolics here, but that’s what happens when we are under the COSH...

VBA Blogs: Unforget-TABLE, That’s What You Are

10 November 2017

The first in a series about using ListObjects to manipulate Tables within an Excel workbook in VBA.

Power Query: Expanding on Aggregating

8 November 2017

This week I look at bringing in two tables of data and summarising some of that data. At the same time..

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COS Function

6 November 2017

Not to be confused with cos lettuce, this function returns the cosine of the given angle...

VBA Blogs: Constants is Her Name

3 November 2017

It is highly recommended that values that are passed into formulae, subroutines and functions are variables. However what if the value of that variable does not change? There is a way to make it immutable by declaring it as a constant.

Power Query: Get 2016 and Transform

1 November 2017

It’s time to move on...

Monday Morning Mulling: October 2017 Challenge

30 October 2017

Last Friday, we proposed one of the most puzzling challenges that we’ve had encountered so far, at last our solution...

Monday Morning Mulling: October Challenge

30 October 2017

Last Friday, we proposed one of the most puzzling challenges that we’ve had encountered so far. To dynamically pull data from this Hockey Statistics site using Power Query.

Final Friday Fix: October Challenge

27 October 2017

Welcome to this month’s Final Friday Fix! This Friday it’s going to involve a lot of Power Query work...

Power Query: Managing Many Queries

25 October 2017

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week I look at the options available to organise queries within a workbook.
