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Happy New Year 2017!!

1 January 2017

Wherever you are in the world, all of us here at SumProduct would like to extend the season’s greetings to you, wherever you may be. We hope you have an EXCELlent time and a prosperous New Year.

Final Friday Fix: December 2016

30 December 2016

Here at SumProduct, we often get asked some pretty tough challenges – the ones that you typically can’t find answers to online. So it pleased us that there was an interesting question that we were asked earlier this month that deserves to appear in our Friday Fix series, and serves as a worthy end-of-year challenge.

Power Query: Appending Files

28 December 2016

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we append to an existing query...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BIN2HEX Function

26 December 2016

We don’t want to put the hex on this function, but this converts a binary number (base two) to a hexadecimal number (base 16)...

Season's Greetings

23 December 2016

As the year winds up to a close, we’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings, and any other well-wishing phrase that you might use wherever you are...

Power Query: Getting Started

21 December 2016

Our new Power Query blog continues. Today we look at manipulating a simple CSV file...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BIN2DEC Function

19 December 2016

This function converts a binary number (base two) to a decimal number (base 10)...

A New Course, Of Course

16 December 2016

This week saw the successful completion of the first running of our new three-day training course, the catchily-titled “Power Pivot, Power Query and Power BI”. Yes, maybe we need to change the name. We’ll get back to you on that one.

Power Query: Installing and Updating

14 December 2016

Continuing our Power Query blog. Today installing and updating Power Query...

London Trip Update

12 December 2016

Penultimate trip of the year over! SumProduct’s Liam Bastick has been on the road for the past four months and may be looking forward to the Christmas break, but he still had work to do in London setting up training courses and conferences for 2017 (more on that next year) as well as presenting at ModelOff’s Global Training Camo down in Docklands..
