10-tative Power Pivot..?
1 August 2015
HOT OFF THE PRESS – WINDOWS 10 / EXCEL 2010 / POWER PIVOT ISSUES: It’s being reported on various Excel fora that Windows 10, Excel 2010 and Power Pivot might not be mixing well. Some – we stress, not all – users are reporting that after they have installed Windows 2010, Excel 2010 will not launch with PowerPivot enabled.
Attempting to activate the COM add-in via Options > Add-ins > Manage Disabled Item > PowerPivot > Enable appears to crash Excel instantly and modelling communities worldwide have confirmed they can replicate this bug. For example, if you view COM add-ins, it will show PowerPivot as unchecked with an “unloaded” status. Checking the add-in has no effect. The same issue does not appear to affect Power Query.
It is worth noting that having earlier versions of Power Pivot, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 – PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel 2010, do appear to still work. However, this solution is far from ideal.
We imagine this will be highly embarrassing for the Powers That Be and that a “hotfix” will be coming your way to a theatre near you soon. In the meantime, if you are using Excel 2010 with the latest version of Power Pivot you might wish to delay the Windows 10 Upgrade rather than roll back this highly useful add-in.
As we know more, we’ll tell more. Watch this space.