Amsterdam Summit: Best April Fool..?
1 April 2017
Check out this cool April Fool. We're not all "blah, blah, blah, Microsoft this, Microsoft that" you know. Machine learning windmills? Sounds great to us. Anyway, the Amsterdam Excel Summit has apparently been using it as part of their marketing for this month's conference.
So, just a final reminder for our readers based in Europe - the Amsterdam Summit will be presented by various MVPs and Microsoft staff from around the globe on Tuesday 18 April and Wednesday 19 April.
Technically, Tuesday 18th will be a “pre-conference masterclass” with the Summit the next day. Topics seem to be focusing on Power BI, Power Pivot and Power Query this year, reflecting the continuing end users’ moves toward these Business Intelligence tools.
This Summit has been an annual event since 2014, with each one bigger and better than its precedent. Hope to see some of you there! You can find out more and book here.