Countdown to 8 out of 10 Cats does SumProduct
24 August 2019
For those clients and / or readers in the UK, SumProduct’s very own Liam Bastick is to be a contestant on the legendary quiz show Countdown, a light-hearted 45 minutes of 30-second numbers and letters challenges. We know some of you might have thought knowing Liam’s “legendary” sense of humour he might be on the 8 out of 10 Cats version, but as we painstakingly pointed out to him, you have to be both funny and photogenic to be on that version!
Previously, Liam was on the Australian variant Letters & Numbers back in 2011, where he ended up an (undefeated) retiring champ over six episodes. How did he get on in the UK show? Well, it’s on the UK Channel 4 on Monday (2 September) if you want to find out. Losers walk away with a dictionary and a goody bag, whereas winners get the same plus a teapot!
How delightfully British, as our US editor put it…