Excel Insights Book Out April 2020
1 January 2020
Some more exciting news for 2020! There’s another Excel book coming out. As the cover says, it's written by 24 Excel MVPs (there’s only 66 of us), including SumProduct’s very own Tim Heng and Liam Bastick, this book covers a myriad of the MVPs’ favourite topics, including dynamic arrays, XLOOKUP, Power Query, charts, dashboards, VBA, Uncle Tom Cobley, et al.
Microsoft MVPs are technology experts who have very deep knowledge of Microsoft products. Each year, Microsoft recognises experts who have shown a passion for sharing that knowledge with the community. This book is written by 24 such MVPs (one actually is a PowerPoint MVP, but we won’t make note of the error on the cover!): Jon Acampora, Liam Bastick, Leila Gharani, Mike Girvin, a rather orange Roger Govier, Frederic le Guen, Mathieu Guindon, Ingeborg Hawighorst, Tim Heng, Wyn Hopkins, Ian Huitson, Bill Jelen, Tony de Jonker, Gasper Kamensek, John MacDougall, Dave Paradi, Jon Peltier, Jan Karel Pieterse, Ken Puls, Oz du Soleil, Herve Thiriez, Mynda Treacy, Henk Vlootman and Charles Williams. It’s fun seeing if you can spot which photos on the cover were taken within the past 10 years…
Published by Holy Macro! Books on April Fool’s Day [April 1] (so appropriate, lol), you can pre-order now on Amazon.