Mac Excel Gets PivotCharts
7 October 2017
At last!! It took just 30 years, but PivotCharts come to MacExcel (well, sort of). For spreadsheeters using the latest Excel for Mac Insiders Fast release, there is now PivotChart support.
There may be no button to insert said chart per se, but you may still generate one if you create a chart using a PivotTable as the data source. Further, the field buttons will not be displayed on the chart, but you can simply rearrange the fields by changing the underlying PivotTable in the usual way.
There’s no contextual Ribbon tab (i.e.PivotTable Tools) yet either, but this “…will be fixed … in an upcoming release”. It should be noted that since there is no support for data model / OLAP based PivotTables on a Mac, there’s also no support for data model / OLAP based PivotCharts (it would be a bit pointless, wouldn’t it?).
Microsoft state that they remain committed to “bringing even closer parity” between Mac and Windows versions of Excel. So that will mean blue screens of death all round then..?
Actually, jokes aside, this is another win for – at the time of writing, no less than 1,078 votes had been cast for this feature and Microsoft has listened. It might not be fully functional yet, but clearly their intent is on display.