October 2021 Updates for Power BI
18 October 2021
This month’s updates see the release of additional functionality and performance improvements for DirectQuery, optimisation for the SWITCH function, new Bitwise DAX functions, and the General Availability of the Premium Gen2 platform for Premium capacities.
The full list reads as follows:
- Heat map layer (Azure Maps Visual) in Preview
- DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services in Preview:
- Tenant-level feature switch for Bing Maps
- SWITCH performance optimisation
- Bitwise functions in DAX
Data Connectivity and Preparation
- Amazon Redshift (connector update)
- Dataverse (connector update)
- Google Analytics (connector update)
- Azure Cosmos DB V2 (new connector) in Preview
- Azure Databricks (connector update)
- Amazon Athena now Generally Available
- SIS-CC-SDMX (new connector) in Preview
- SumTotal (connector update) now Generally Available
- Usercube (new connector) in Preview
- Administration and governance:
- Deployment pipeline APIs now Generally Available
- Upcoming automatic installation of the Power BI app for Microsoft Teams
Embedded Analytics
- Export Power BI report to file API: Preview update
- Object-Level Security (OLS) now Generally Available in Power BI Embedded
- Adjust zoom level for embedded Power BI reports
- Updated Multi-Geo support for Power BI Embedded
- Power BI Embedded Playground update: use your own embed token
- Power BI Angular component
- Add modern ToolTip to your custom visual
- Modal Dialog API update
- Lollipop Bar Chart by Nova Silva
- Drill Down TimeSeries PRO visual by ZoomCharts
- Inforiver by Lumel
- Hierarchical bar chart by Excelnaccess.com
- New visuals in AppSource
- ODBC support for paginated reports now Generally Available.
As always, we'll be detailing these updates in our November newsletter. Please remember we have virtual / online training in Power BI which you can find out more about here. If you are not already a subscriber, why not sign up at the bottom of any SumProduct web page? And don't forget to download the latest version of Power BI Desktop here too.