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Power BI Report Server March 2018 Update

20 March 2018

A new version of Power BI Report Server, that contains several new features, including bookmarking, synchronising slicers and quick measures, has just been released.

Sharing Power BI Content with Anyone by Email

12 March 2018

Microsoft has just announced the ability to share content with users using their personal email accounts, making it easier to share data with people outside of your organisation.

March 2018 Updates for Power BI Desktop

12 March 2018

It's that time of the month again! Microsoft has just added its usual monthly slew of improvements and new features to Power BI Desktop. There were no changes to Analytics this month, but there are still many new items to explore.

Unlock Excel 2018 - Early Bird Pricing Expiring Very Soon!

12 March 2018

It’s not too late to sign up: it’s less than a month away now - but the Early Bird Pricing ends very soon!

Inserting PivotTables Now Possible in Excel Online

5 March 2018

Inserting new PivotTables is now available in Excel Online.

February 2018 Update for Get & Transform / Power Query

21 February 2018

There’s another update for Get & Transform this month — albeit just the one.

MVP Summit 2018

17 February 2018

March heralds the latest get-together of Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) [as accredited by Microsoft] to network and discuss the latest developments in their area of expertise (in our case Excel).

Amsterdam Excel Summit 2018

17 February 2018

MVPs Jan Karel Pieterse and Tony de Jonker have just announced the fifth annual Amsterdam Excel Summit.

Unlock Excel 2018

17 February 2018

It's back!! Unlock Excel is to return. In conjunction with CPA Australia and Microsoft, SumProduct is proud to announce our annual Unlock Excel Conference this April.

Latest Updates for Power BI Service and Mobile

15 February 2018

It’s not just Power BI Desktop that gets a fresh lick of paint. The Power BI Service and Mobile Apps have had updates too.
