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Power Pivot 2010: Microsoft Interim Fix for Windows 10

5 August 2015

Over the past few days, we have kept our readers up to date with the issue that Power Pivot 2010 was not working in Excel 2010 after the Windows 10 Update. A similar issue was discovered by some users who had installed Visual Studio 2015.Today, Microsoft has made a...

Power Pivot 10-4

4 August 2015

We recently mentioned there appears to be a problem with Power Pivot in Excel 2010 when updating to Windows 10. It appears – although we have not been able to confirm it for ourselves yet – that the problem lies with the version of .NET (version 4.6), which is...

10-tative Power Pivot..?

1 August 2015

HOT OFF THE PRESS – WINDOWS 10 / EXCEL 2010 / POWER PIVOT ISSUES: It’s being reported on various Excel fora that Windows 10, Excel 2010 and Power Pivot might not be mixing well. Some – we stress, not all – users are reporting that after they have installed Windows...

Windows 10 Upgrade Released

29 July 2015

Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as free upgrade for qualified Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices. Upgrades started today (Wednesday 29 July). You may have upgraded already. If you want to upgrade and haven’t already done so, you’d better be quick: you only have a year left to reserve your free upgrade… To upgrade, simply click on the ‘Get Windows 10 App’ in the status bar:

Office for Mac 2016 Released

9 July 2015

Office for Windows and Mac are now closer to alignment given that Microsoft has finally launched Office for Mac 2016.Four months after releasing the Office for Mac 2016 Preview, the final version was launched on 9 July 2015 for Office 365 subscribers only (at this...

The Future’s Mapped Out..?

13 June 2015

It’s come to our attention that back in late May previous incarnations of the Excel COM add-in Power Map Preview for Excel 2013 “expired” and will no longer work on any version of Excel.A new (final?) preview version is available for download here. If you installed...

Sooner Rather Than Later

1 June 2015

Windows 10 is coming sooner than first thought. Microsoft has announced that PCs and tablets running the software would go on sale from Wednesday 29 July (why midweek, we don’t know), at which point the operating system would also be offered as a free download to...

Best Tip Ever..?

8 April 2015

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) has just held a competition within its Excel community to come up with the best Excel tip ever.The winning entry suggested using GoTo (F5) and ‘Special’ to select blanks in order to paste in missing...

Excel at Excel XL

7 April 2015

April’s newsletter challenges our readers to come up with what they think is the “Best Excel Tip Ever”, with results to be published in a couple of months. In the meantime, reader Brian Canes has drawn our attention to a new book in the pipeline from fellow Excel MVP...

Power Update Update

2 April 2015

For those of you working with the Power Business Intelligence (Power BI) tools in Excel, you may be interested in Power Update, a new Excel add-in for users who wish to refresh any Power Pivot / Power BI workbook from any data source and publish to any location (e.g....
