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Power Query / Get and Transform - July Updates

26 July 2016

Late July saw Microsoft announce 12 new data transformation and connectivity features. These updates are available as part of an Office 365 subscription, or if you have Excel 2010 or Excel 2013 you can also take advantage of these updates by downloading the latest...

July Power BI Updata

22 July 2016

That’s not a typo.With this month’s release of Power BI publisher for Excel, Analyze in Excel has become easier to use and can now be initiated directly from Excel using the Power BI publisher. With this release, there’s no longer any need to download .odc files or...

Faster PivotTables in Excel 2016

16 July 2016

PivotTables are now faster for those working in Excel 2016 with connections to Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) servers, either directly to an OLAP server or through a collection of data tables with relationships - known as a Data Model - in Excel. The recent...

Microsoft Wins Data Privacy Appeal

15 July 2016

A court has ruled on appeal that the US government cannot force Microsoft to give investigative authorities access to the firm's servers located in other countries.

Excel 2016 July Updates

11 July 2016

Last week saw some updates / additions to Excel 2016, chiefly for Office 365 (yes, Microsoft continues to try and sway you to buy a subscription). The key updates this month include:Shape recognition: Automatically transform your drawings into shapesNew connectors:...

Room Without a Power View

24 June 2016

For those using Excel 2016, you may have noticed that the Power View button has been removed from the Insert Ribbon. Power View is still supported, but users have to work a bit harder to restore the button to their Ribbon. In the next couple of months, an update to...

June Updates for Get & Transform in Excel 2016 / Power Query in Excel 2010 and 2013

22 June 2016

It's been a month! It's about time Microsoft issued more updates for Get & Transform (Excel 2016) / Power Query (Excel 2010 and Excel 2013) and they have duly obliged with four new / improved features.These updates are available in Excel 2016 if you have an...

SumProduct Blog Launch

2 June 2016

Just a mere nine months after the launch of our new-look website, we’ve finally got our act together and set up a Blog section (to be fair, we have been busy!). The blogs will be informal and cover items such as upcoming training, quick Excel tips, office moves and...

Microsoft Survey Available

28 May 2016

If you are working on, or interested in, R and other Advanced Analytics (AA) tools in Power BI, then Microsoft wants to hear from you. Desperately seeking Susan, partners and customers of these tools, the giant software company has devised a survey where you can have...

Bringing Windows 10 to a Close

25 May 2016

If you are feeling (red) cross with Windows 10 seemingly installing without your say-so, you may have reason to feel aggrieved. Microsoft has come in for criticism from various IT fora this week for changing the pop-up box encouraging Windows users to upgrade to...
