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September Updates for Power BI Service and Mobile

16 September 2018

The new stuff keeps coming. This update sees multi-geo support, a new workspace experience and a phone report layout amongst other improvements.

Amazin' Amazon Book

5 September 2018

Finally! Kudos to the team as we have finally got our proverbials together and listed "Introduction to Financial Modelling" by Liam Bastick on Amazon.

August 2018 Updates for Power BI Desktop

18 August 2018

After the avalanche of updates last month (nothing to do with the Microsoft Business Applications Summit we’re sure), normal service has been resumed this month with a more reasonable number of updates to get your teeth into.

August 2018 Updates for Power BI Report Server

18 August 2018

You can’t really accuse Microsoft of doing things by halves. This release contains a fair few new features, to put it mildly!

London Excel Developer Conference

27 July 2018

Thursday 18 October sees the inaugural Excel extensibility conference in London.

Financial Modelling Book Out Now!!

27 July 2018

It's taken a while - longer than we'd hoped - but it's finally out!!

July 2018 Updates for Power BI Desktop

24 July 2018

There's some cool ones this month such as composite models and the idea of a "many to many relationship" which is encapsulated in this new feature.

July 2018 Updates for Get & Transform / Power Query

20 July 2018

It's been five months since the last updates, but finally, there's an announcement of new refinements / updates to the Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) tool.

July 2018 Updates for Power BI Service and Mobile

15 July 2018

Time for the monthly update on the new features out now for Power BI Service and Mobile.

Financial Modelling Book Out Soon

5 July 2018

As in very soon!! No more crying wolf...
