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Enjoy the Festive Season

25 December 2017

Enjoy the Festive Season and warm wishes for the holidays

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COUNTBLANK Function

25 December 2017

This function counts empty cells in a specified range of cells most of the time. It does lie occasionally.

VBA Blogs: Header-ache

22 December 2017

The sixth in a series about using ListObjects to manipulate Tables within an Excel workbook in VBA featuring the Headers Range.

Power Query: Powerless Pivot

20 December 2017

Power Query and Power Pivot work well together, however Power Query is not exclusive to Power Pivot though, as it may be used with ordinary PivotTables. There is a good reason for doing this too...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COUNTA Function

18 December 2017

This is neither the Italian COUNT function nor an Excel calculator dedicated to tallying the number of times the letter “a” occurs in a spreadsheet...

VBA Blogs: DataBodyRange - New Frontier

15 December 2017

The fifth in a series about using ListObjects to manipulate Tables within an Excel workbook in VBA featuring DataBodyRange.

Power Query: Cleanse, Tone and Upload

13 December 2017

This week I look at combining several Power Query functions in order to standardise some incoming data...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COUNT Function

11 December 2017

Need a function you can COUNT on?

VBA Blogs: DataBodyRange Part 1

8 December 2017

How use DataBodyRange property to manipulate table ranges.

Power Query: Pivot the Blanks

6 December 2017

The scenario is familiar, a huge Excel table comes in with lots of columns and rows, but in some cases a column or row is empty and it needs to be condensed...
