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Power BI Blog: Managing Slicers

3 December 2020

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Power BI blog series. This week, Jonathan Liau looks at how to manage slicers in a multi-paged report.

Power Query: All Dates Must Change

2 December 2020

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at how to dynamically set the Data Type on all my datetime columns to date.

Power Pivot Principles: Problems with 1 Month Ago – DATEADD vs. PREVIOUSMONTH

1 December 2020

Welcome back to the Power Pivot Principles blog. This week, we take a look back at, er, looking back and an associated classic gotcha.

Monday Morning Mulling: November 2020 Challenge

30 November 2020

On the final Friday of each month, we set an Excel / Power Pivot / Power Query / Power BI problem for you to puzzle over for the weekend. On the Monday, we publish a solution

Final Friday Fix: November 2020 Challenge

27 November 2020

On the final Friday of each month, we’re going to set an Excel / Power BI challenge for you to puzzle over so that you can get your “Excel fix”.

Power BI Blog: Extending Report Page Size

26 November 2020

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Power BI blog series. This week, Jonathan Liau looks at customising your report page size.

Power Query: Space for a CamelCase

25 November 2020

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at how to automate inserting spaces into CamelCase headings.

Power Pivot Principles: Getting the Measure of a Measure – Multiple Measure Management

24 November 2020

Welcome back to the Power Pivot Principles blog. This week, we will consider where to store measures when you have many measures and tables in your database.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The IMSEC Function

23 November 2020

Welcome back to our regular A to Z of Excel Functions blog. Today we look at the IMSEC function.

Charts and Dashboards: Multiple Bullet Charts – Part 2

20 November 2020

Welcome back to this week’s Charts and Dashboards blog series. This week, we consider formatting the multiple bullet charts in Excel, created in last week’s blog.
