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Power Query: Sort it Out

29 January 2020

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at sorting issues.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the Function DISTINCTCOUNT

28 January 2020

Welcome back to the Power Pivot Principles blog. This week, we are going to learn a method to derive the unique values in a column by using DAX.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The GAUSS Function

27 January 2020

Welcome back to our regular A to Z of Excel Functions blog. Today we look at the GAUSS function.

Charts and Dashboards: Pie Charts

24 January 2020

Welcome back to this week’s Charts and Dashboards blog series. This week, I will treat you with a Pie…

Power BI Blog: Creating Tables in Power BI

23 January 2020

Welcome back to this week’s Power BI blog series. This week, we are going to talk about creating tables in Power BI.

Power Query: Reconcilable Differences

22 January 2020

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at a common problem in Finance – performing that pesky bank reconciliation!

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the Function INTERSECT

21 January 2020

Welcome back to the Power Pivot Principles blog. This week, we are going to learn one way of joining tables together in DAX.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The GAMMALN Function

20 January 2020

Welcome back to our regular A to Z of Excel Functions blog. Today we look at the GAMMALN function.

Charts and Dashboards: Bar Charts

17 January 2020

Welcome back to this week’s Charts and Dashboards blog series. This week, we are going to look at Bar Charts.

Power BI Blog: Bullet Charts

16 January 2020

Welcome back to this week’s Power BI blog series. This week, we are going to look at bullet charts.
